
Product ID:B-007


Conc(%)/Veh:1.0 pet

  • B-17, IMP-3, LU-10, PG-7

Formula :C14H10O4

Formula Weight:242.23

CAS Number:94-36-0


Benzoic acid, peroxide; Dibenzoyl peroxide; Benzoyl; Benzoyl Superoxide; Benzoperoxide; Novadelox; Acetoxyl; Acnegel; Benzac; Benzaknen; Debroxide; Desanden; Benzagel 10; Benoxyl; Lucidol; Nericur; Oxy-5, Oxy 10; PanOxyl; Peroxydex; Persadox; Persa-gel; sanoxit; Theraderm; Xerac BP 5; Xerac BP 10; Benzoyl peroide; BPO; trichlorobenzoic acid; TCBA; Tribac; 2,3,6-TBA; diphenylglyoxal peroxide; aztec bpo; benzaknew; BZF-60; Cadet; cadox bs; dry and clear; epi-clear; fostex; Garox; incidol; loroxide; luperco; luperox fl; nayper b and bo; norox bzp-250; norox bzp-c-35; OXY-5; Oxy-10; oxylite; oxy wash; quinolor compound; superox; Topex; vanoxide; Xerac.


This compound is a widely-used initiator, curing agent and cross-linking agent in polymerization processes (primarily in the curing of unsaturated polyester resins, production of polystyrene and related resins, styrene polymers and other resins). It is an oxidizer used to bleach edible oils, flour, bread and other food. It is used as a catalyst for radical reactions. It is also used as an initiator in dental applications. In medicine, it is used in non-prescription drugs for the treatment of acne; as an antiseptic and local anesthetic in the treatment of burns and ulcers; and as a keratolytic. It is used in the embossing of vinyl flooring, as a food additive, in special fast- drying printing inks for printing on plastic surfaces, in printing pastes, as a fixing agent in light microscopy, as an initiator in systems used to prepare polymers for roof bolting in mines, as a drying agent for unsaturated oils and as a burn-out agent for cellulose acetate in mixed fabrics with viscose, silk or cotton to produce a lace-like appearance. It is also used as an initiator for addition and substitution reactions in organic synthesis. It was formerly used as a bleaching agent for textiles and paper. Keratolytic agent in acne medications. May cause discoloration of the hair and postinflammatory pigmentation and hypopigmentation. ABCD. ICU.