Lavender absolute

Product ID:L-001

Lavender absolute

Conc(%)/Veh:2.0 pet

  • AC-47, F-18

CAS Number:8000-28-0


Garden lavender; True Lavender; Oils, Lavender; Lavender; Lavender oil; Lavandula angustifolia absolute; Lavender absolute; Lavandula angustifolia oil; Lavandula angustifolia oil bulgarian; Lavandula angustifolia concrete; Lavender concrete; Lavandula officinalis oil french; Oil of Lavender; LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA OIL.


The raw material for this product is made from the freshly cut flowering tops of Lavendula Angustfolia, these are extracted with hexane giving a concrete, then the absolute is obtained by extrating the concrete with ethanol.
Lavendula Angustfolia is a wild growing or cultivated plant, native to the Mediterranean countries. The rawmaterial is a colorless or pale yellow liquid of sweet, floral herbaceous refreshing odor with a pleasant, balsamic woody backnote. Fragrance for use in various perfumes. Flavor and carminative. Some Perfumery Uses : Hay New Mown Hay; Herbal; Tabac; Amber; Fern; Cross: GeraniaL.