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ContinueProduct ID:N-001
Conc(%)/Veh:20.0 pet
CAS Number:1405-10-3
Fradiomycin; Framycetin; Myacyne; Mycifradin; Neloate; Neodecyllin; Neomas; Neomin; Neomycin undecylenate; Nivemycin; Pimavecort; Soframycin; Vonamycin Powder V; Neomixr 325 and neomixr AG 325; Biosol; Mycifradin sulfate; Sofra-Tulle.
This antibiotic can be used effectively against most bacteria that cause skin, eye and outer ear infections. Due to its toxic effects on the kidney and inner ear, it is not used orally or in any situation where it is absorbed into the body. Broad-spectrum antibiotic in topical creams, powders, ointments, eye and ear drops. Also as systemic antibiotic and growth promotor in veterinary use. Cross: streptomycin, gentamycin, framycetin, dihydrostreptomycin, kanamycin, spectinomycin, tobramycin, paromomycin, butirosin, bacitracin. ICU.