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ContinueProduct ID:S-013
Conc(%)/Veh:1.0 pet
Formula :SnCl2
Formula Weight:189.6
CAS Number:7772-99-8
C.I. 77864; stannochlor; tin dichloride; stannous chloride; Tin(II)Chloride; STANNOUS CHLORIDE, 10% W/V; tin(II) chloride (1:2); tin protochloride
A solution of tin(II) chloride containing a little hydrochloric acid is used for the tin-plating of steel, in order to make tin cans. SnCl2 also reduces quinones to hydroquinones. Stannous chloride is also added as a food additive with E number E512 to some canned and bottled foods, where it serves as a color-retention agent and antioxidant. It is used in production of ornamental glass called aurene glass.